Founded in 2003 by Bob and Joy Peppelman, RJP Consulting Group was a result of industry passion and a desire to serve the marketplace. Our focus, as it pertains to today, hasn’t changed much. Our passion for the industry remains the same and has only further enabled the RJP community to grow. Whether it’s our employees, clients, vendors, or even families, our community continues to expand and shape the RJP story.
RJP operates out of 6 offices in Philadelphia, Charlotte, Indianapolis, Boston, Orlando, and Phoenix where we constantly look to bring technology and innovation into our construction management world. We are Construction Management Redefined to bring our clients the absolute best.

Robert Peppelman, Founder & CEO
Bob is the founder, visionary, and majority shareholder of RJP Consulting Group. With a background in developmental management and construction management going back 30 years, his thorough understanding of the industry is invaluable. From his days at Wawa Food Markets as a Construction Coordinator to his position of Director of Construction for Urban Outfitters, Bob has always embraced his passion for construction management. This passion, along with his industry knowledge and customer service skills, only served to prove all the more useful in the founding of RJP Consulting Group. Bob now orchestrates the planning and strategic goals of our 6 regionally based offices.
As a Christian, I have always understood that my role in the business world is not to be served, but to serve others. So, when my wife, Joy, and I founded RJP in 2003, we wanted to take the 20 years of experience I had gained in multi-site development and serve the marketplace. And we designed the RJP logo with that exact thought in mind! The attached and continuous 3 corners of the RJP logo represents the client. The client and the client’s development department are an existing structure with solid processes and protocols in place.
RJP, however, is represented by the 4th corner in green. As reflected by the logo, RJP’s goal is to fit into the client‘s development department seamlessly, serving the client in a positive and “green” approach.
We want to bring fresh ideas, excitement and best-in-class process and procedure into the client’s development program. We serve the client’s development team proactively by managing a project or program from beginning to end, from inception to completion. We seamlessly integrate and work with all departments, always keeping the client’s corporate structure at the heart of the project. 15 years after its conception, the RJP logo not only acts as a true reflection of our values, but allows clients to better understand the company where construction management is redefined.

RJP Consulting Group offers unsurpassed experience in Construction Management serving Banking & Financial, Retail, Hotel & Hospitality, Restaurant, Convenience, and Petroleum industries. We approach every project through Biblically based business ideals coupled with proven industry methods, legendary communication, and service. ​​​​
We strive to meet the highest standards in all we do.
Forgive those that wrong you and strive to restore the broken.
In times of difficulty, we pray to be changed and obedient.
In all that you do, strive to act with purpose.
We stand against what offends God.
Seek out those who need uplifting with care and kindness.
We strive towards humility and work to serve others.